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Missing the Pool

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former member default image - bird flying away

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I was returning to my hotel room after a day in the outdoors. It's about 4:10 in the afternoon. I greet the very nice middle-aged lady behind the desk and we exchange a few remarks. She has a good sense of humor, at least she appreciates mine. I ascend the stairs that rise, open on both sides, through the lobby and around to a small balcony before reaching the always-open doorway to the second floor. From the top of the stairs, as I make the turn out of sight, I can see her leaving her station behind the desk and moving into the back room.

I call home, and after that I wonder what to do. I'm in a hotel room 800 miles from home, feeling a bit tired and not yet hungry, so I thought I'd hit the indoor pool. So I took my swim trunks down from the bathroom rod, put them on the bed and started to get undressed. When I was naked I headed back toward the bathroom and without looking walked right out of my second-floor room into the hall. I turned and lunged for it just as it snapped shut.

No one in the hall.

It was now 4:40 in the afternoon on a Sunday, and I'm walking down the hall stark naked with not even my hair tied back.

I pass the elevators and go for the stairs I had ascended just a half hour earlier. The desk person is still there. The lobby is really well-lit, still being broad daylight. I move silently down the stairs, wondering if I want her to see me or not. She moves to raise her head as if she's seen me out of her peripheral vision, then looks down again. I still don't know if she's seen me or not.

I walk up to the desk, right in front of her, and stutter something incoherent for a moment, then collect myself and say, “I need you to make me a new key. She asks the room number and my name and starts to work. She is stifling a giggle. I nervously tell her that I was getting ready to hit the pool when I made a wrong turn. She takes the time as I back up slightly from the desk to explain in some detail that this is a new key and the lock has been reprogrammed so the old key won't work. I say “thanks so much. I was going to get a towel. I guess I wasn't thinking very well and I ended up in the hall (I back up a couple of steps into the lobby and shrug) like this. She hands me the key, I take it and thank her yet again. “No problem, she says, stifling yet another giggle.

I take the key and head back up the stairs and to my room. As quickly as I can I don my trunks, grab a towel and head back down the stairs to the pool. “What a difference a few seconds makes. I spent about half an hour skinny-dipping in the pool (NOT a clothing-optional hotel or pool), then got “dressed and returned to my room to dress for dinner. On my way out, I speak to her again. “There are only like three cars here – am I the only guest?

“No, she says, “there are quite a few but they're not back yet. Just then a family of four enters through the outer door.

“Speaking of which... I say, looking at them. I grin sheepishly and say, “It's a good thing they didn't come back an hour ago.

She giggles and I head out to dinner. She smiles now when she sees me.

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former member default image - bird flying away

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`If she wants to see you again do NOT miss the opportunity!


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